
超敏反应 肺炎


超敏性肺炎(HP)是一种 间质性肺病 由反复吸入某种真菌引起, 细菌, 动物蛋白或活性化学颗粒, 称为抗原. 而大多数吸入这些抗原的人不会出现问题, 有些人, the body's immune reaction to these particles causes inflammation of the lung. 在某些情况下,部分肺部可能会留下疤痕.

目前尚不清楚为什么接触这些抗原的少数人会患上HP. Their genetics 和 environment may interact to make them more susceptible to the disease.

HP不应与更常见的过敏类型相混淆, which are caused by small amounts of proteins in the environment 如 dust mites, 猫毛, 花粉和草. Having seasonal or environmental allergies has nothing to do with having or developing HP.


超敏反应 pneumonitis will often go away if the patient avoids the substance that's triggering the lung inflammation. 然而,惠普的一些案例仍然存在. 对于这些病人, 加州大学旧金山分校提供包括药物管理在内的专业护理, 治疗其他经常影响HP患者的健康问题, 和 a special exercise 和 education program designed for patients with chronic lung disease. Our specialists review each case as a team to ensure that every patient gets the right diagnosis 和 most effective care.

For patients who get worse despite treatment, 肺移植ation may be an option. UCSF is home to a high-performing 肺移植 program with the expertise to h和le the most complex, 具有挑战性的情况下.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

过敏性肺炎又分为急性和慢性两种. 每种形式的症状不同.


The acute form of HP occurs after heavy, often short-term exposure to the antigen. 症状出现相对突然,包括:

  • 发热
  • 发冷
  • 乏力
  • 呼吸困难
  • 胸闷
  • 咳嗽

If the person is removed from the antigen exposure, the 症状 usually resolve over 24 to 48 hours. 恢复通常是完全的.


慢性形式的HP被认为是由于长期的, 低水平接触抗原, 它通常会引起更微妙的症状. 慢性HP患者通常描述慢性症状, 比如呼吸急促或咳嗽, 情况变得更糟. 工作时症状可能会恶化, 在家里或任何病人接触抗原的地方, 但大多数情况下, 慢性HP患者没有急性发作. 我们诊所的大多数病人都是慢性HP.


Diagnosing hypersensitivity pneumonitis can be difficult 和 requires input from pulmonologists, 放射科十大赌博平台排行榜和, 在很多情况下, pathologists experienced in evaluating patients with 间质性肺病. A face-to-face discussion among these various specialists is often necessary to make an accurate diagnosis.

以确定您是否患有HP, your doctor will start by conducting a thorough medical history 和 physical examination. The medical history will include discussing other medical problems you have that could be related to lung scarring, 比如结缔组织疾病, 检查你正在服用的药物. A thorough review of potential occupational 和 environmental exposures to antigens is also essential, 我们会记录下详细的家庭和工作经历. 这将包括暴露于霉菌,鸟类和鸟类产品,如羽绒. The physical exam will include listening to your chest with a stethoscope 和 carefully examining your skin 和 joints.

除了全面的病史和体检, 您的十大赌博平台排行榜可能会进行以下检查:

  • 肺功能检查(PFT).测试 包括一系列测量气流的呼吸练习, volume of air in your lungs 和 ability of your lungs to extract oxygen from the air. 这可以让你的十大赌博平台排行榜评估你的肺功能.
  • 高分辨率计算机断层扫描(HRCT). 这是一种特殊的 CT扫描 这为你的十大赌博平台排行榜提供了你肺部的高分辨率图像. 图像以几种不同的方式拍摄, 包括仰卧躺下, lying on your chest (prone) 和 while breathing air out of your chest (dynamic expiration). These images are extremely valuable in determining whether or not you have HP. Having an HRCT is very similar to having a regular CT扫描; they both take only a few minutes.
  • 血液测试. 我们可以给你验血, 也称为血清学, to 测试 for the presence of various antibodies – proteins created by the immune system to deactivate or destroy antigens – to look for evidence of exposure to various antigens 和 for evidence of connective tissue diseases, 如类风湿关节炎或硬皮病. 血液检查在诊断大多数HP病例中是没有用的, 但它可以在某些情况下用于帮助诊断.
  • 六分钟步行测验. 这 测试 evaluates the distance you can walk within six minutes 和 the oxygen saturations, 用手指或耳朵探头测量, 你在行走中获得成就.
  • 支气管镜检查. 在这个 测试, 十大赌博平台排行榜通过一个柔性纤维镜, 大约一支铅笔的直径, 进入肺部采集液体和组织样本. 这个测试不需要在十大赌博平台排行榜过夜. 支气管镜检查 is used to aid in a diagnosis of HP 和 may be performed in certain circumstances.
  • 外科肺活检. 对于一些确诊HP的患者,需要这项检查. 心胸外科十大赌博平台排行榜进行外科肺活检, 通常通过一英寸长的切口使用小工具和相机. 病人需要在十大赌博平台排行榜住几天.
  • 家评价. Your doctor may recommend a professional inspection of your home by a certified industrial hygienist. Industrial hygienists are trained in evaluating homes for potential hazardous exposures, 特别是模具. 这 can be quite expensive but may uncover important exposures that are not otherwise obvious. Whether or not to perform a home evaluation should be discussed with your doctor.


Treating hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) involves both identifying 和 removing the antigen that's causing the condition, 服用消炎药.


如果吸入的抗原能被识别和清除, 急性HP的肺部炎症通常是可逆的. If you have chronic HP, however, the inflammation may persist even when the antigen is removed. 如果抗原不能被识别, 你可能需要改变你的工作或家庭环境, 如果可能的话.


If you don't improve or continue to worsen, we may recommend anti-inflammatory medications. 强的松 是药物治疗的主要手段,而且常常非常有效吗. 如果你需要长期用药或不能耐受强的松, 你可能需要服用替代药物, 如 霉酚酸 or 环磷酰胺.


除了药物治疗和去除抗原, pulmonary rehabilitation – a structured exercise 和 educational program designed for patients with chronic lung disease – is an important 和 effective treatment for patients with chronic HP.

We will also need to pay careful attention to common medical problems associated with HP, 如 胃食管反流病肺动脉高压. 最后, 肺移植 可能是一些患者的有效治疗选择.

加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. It is for educational purposes only 和 is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.



Cyclophosphamide is part of a class of drugs called immunosuppressants that suppress the immune response 和 reduces inflammation in the lungs. 了解更多.


关于甲氨蝶呤的常见问题包括, 建议, 预防措施, 可能的副作用, 建议监控和更多.


关于霉酚酸酯的常见问题,包括建议, 预防措施, 可能的副作用, 建议监控和更多.


关于强的松的常见问题包括, 推荐的理由, 特别预防措施, 可能的副作用, 监控, 和更多的.


许多研究表明反流胃食管反流 & 肺部疾病,包括间质性肺病(ILD). 这种关系的原因尚不清楚. 了解更多.


肺间质性疾病营养手册,包括, 健康饮食的一般指引, 身体质量指数, 在你的饮食中增加蛋白质等等.


病人 living with 间质性肺病 (ILD) will find numerous resources listed here, 提供信息和支持.


肺动脉高压, 或PH值, 当肺部血压升高时发生, 也可能由肺动脉壁增厚引起.


肺康复 is a comprehensive program for lung disease patients whose 症状 are impacting their everyday activities. 点击这里了解更多.


寻找补充氧气资源,包括, 补充氧气的需要, 你的氧气设备, 氧气安全, 带着氧气旅行, 和更多的.

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    病例管理 & 社会工作

    与一个可以帮助你找到资源的团队联系, 在UCSF治疗期间为您解决问题并为您提供支持.



    这 eight-week class teaches mindfulness practices that can reduce stress 和 improve your overall health, 比如冥想和身体意识.



    我们十大赌博靠谱网络平台您对您在加州大学旧金山分校健康中心的体验进行反馈. 了解如何与我们联系,提出意见、问题或疑虑.



    Find support groups for people with pulmonary conditions 如 obstructive sleep apnea, 间质性肺病(ILD)和肺动脉高压.



    Chaplains representing many faiths are available around the clock to provide support, 给病人安慰和忠告, 家庭和照顾者.
