
季节性 情感 障碍


季节性 affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that occurs during specific seasons, most commonly during the fall and winter. However, the condition can occur at any time of the year, including during the summer. The cause of SAD is not yet known, but it's believed to be related to the availability of sunlight. Light affects your internal body clock, which helps you regulate when to sleep and when to be awake.

Some scientists believe that a fluctuation in the body's production of melatonin, 一种促进睡眠的激素, 可能是导致SAD的原因. Other researchers speculate that a lack of serotonin, a brain chemical or neurotransmitter that seems to be triggered by sunlight, SAD的病因是什么. People who are depressed often have decreased levels of serotonin in their brains.

The incidence of the condition varies with geography. For example, it tends to be more common in the northern or polar regions. One study found a 10 percent occurrence in New Hampshire and only a 2 percent rate in Florida.

Our Approach to 季节性 情感 障碍

UCSF offers thorough assessments and personalized care for mood disorders, 包括季节性情感障碍. 治疗方案包括光疗, medications and psychotherapy to help patients identify and avoid triggers. We also offer guidance on simple lifestyle adjustments that may help, 比如每天早上定期散步.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

Common 症状 of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) include:

  • 增加食欲
  • 体重增加
  • 不活动和低能量水平
  • 过多的睡眠
  • 消极情绪和抑郁
  • 头痛
  • 焦虑
  • 自我孤立


季节性 affective disorder (SAD) can be difficult to diagnose because it's hard to differentiate from other forms of depression. Your doctor will ask about your 症状 and how long you have been experiencing them — in particular, whether you've experienced 症状 of SAD for at least two consecutive years and whether it was during the same season each year.

除了, your doctor will want to know if the periods of depression were followed by seasons when you did not feel depressed. 最后, your doctor will want to make sure that there are not other explanations for the changes in your mood or behavior.


If you are diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), your doctor may choose one of several approaches to your treatment.

  • 光线疗法 Short periods of exposure to light can help ease depression. 日照剂量以“勒克斯”为单位." For example, the sun emits about 90,000 lux and blue sky reflects about 45,000 lux. 治疗 could range from two hours of light at 2500 lux every morning to 30 to 40 minutes of light at 10,每天早上000勒克斯. However, light therapy in the evening may interrupt sleep patterns. There are few, if any, side effects to the eyes from using light therapy. Sometimes, an hour walk in the morning can help without any other treatment.
  • 药物治疗 Your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant in combination with light therapy or if light therapy isn't effective. Antidepressants often are used when the condition occurs in the summer.
  • 心理治疗 心理治疗 may help you identify ways to avoid behaviors or environments that tend to trigger episodes of SAD, 或者减少你生活中的压力, 哪些会加重症状.

除了 to the treatments described above, there are a number of things you can do to help your body cope with seasonal depression. For example, try increasing the amount of light in your home or workplace by opening window shades. Increase your physical activity as exercising regularly can help relieve stress. 也, you may want to consider visiting a warm, 冬天阳光明媚的地方, such as vacationing in a tropical location.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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    Chaplains representing many faiths are available around the clock to provide support, 给病人安慰和忠告, 家庭和照顾者.


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